Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Is he not the cutest thing you've ever seen in your whole life??

This is what I woke up to yesterday morning. Well, kind of.

For starters, this is Mr. Bailey Thomas Rapino. He's 10 years old. And he's the baby of the family. I got him when I was in college. My friend and roommate, Alexis, and I often stopped at the pet store to play with the puppies. This one time, I went back to the cage 3 times to play with this puppy until I couldn't leave the store without him. So I brought him home to the sorority house... Yes, many guy friends borrowed him to pick up chicks. And he's definitely been to a few fraternity parties. As my dad says, he got his college education! Haha.

Anyway, so after bringing him home for thanksgiving break and then Christmas break my parents told me the jig was up.

They knew he wasn't the sorority's dog. He was my dog. And they were right.

Shockingly, I never got yelled at for it. And I often got yelled at for doing stuff I shouldn't. Ha. This time around they just told me not to get anymore puppies. Okay, I could live with that. Although, Bailey could use a friend.... Just kidding!

So at lord knows what time this morning, as per usual, Bailey came knocking on my door. It was still dark out. But I, of course, got out of bed and let him in. Just so that I could wake up a couple hours later to this adorable little face right next to mine. I mean, how could you not have a good day after that?!?


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas eating.

I'm such a lucky lady. I've finally obtained the super secret recipe for the Rapino holiday soup. It's only taken me 30 years to get this recipe! To put it in perspective, my mother spent decades trying to get this recipe out of my paternal grandmother. I mean the woman practically took it to her grave. If you've ever met a true Italian woman, her purpose and reason for breathing and living is to feed people. To protect this, they never share their recipes and therefore, she never wrote her recipes down. They were all up in that head of her's. And I'm sure she had some secret ingredient or certain way of doing things that made her food taste just slightly better that we will never know. With all of this said, I don't blame my grandmother for keeping it all hush hush. That's how she kept her worth, not that anyone would ever be able to trump her. But I understand, she needed to keep those recipes to herself for insurance. Fortunately for me, I managed to ask and email my cousin and aunts enough that they finally gave it up and wrote down the ingredients and approximate measurements. Maybe that's an exaggeration (shocker, I'm exaggerating! Oh wait, and there's our friend, sarcasm.), they were quite helpful.

Anyway, let's talk holiday soup! Holiday soup is a traditional Italian soup that is made and eaten on holidays, hence the name "holiday" soup. We're so creative, I know. To most other people in the U.S., holiday soup is also known as Italian wedding soup. I will tell you though, that crap that you get in a can doesn't hold a candle to holiday soup. Let me put it this way, my mother who is a total foodie, especially with Italian food, said this batch of soup I made today was the best soup she's had since my grandmother made it. Um, hello! That's a HUGE compliment coming from my mother. She does not mess when it comes to Italian food. And my father, don't even get me started, was over the moon. He talked about how good that soup was all night and even said it tasted just like my grandmother's. I couldn't be more thrilled! My grandmother was the best cook my family has ever known. And this recipe came straight from Italy. It was not some recipe found in a magazine or book. Straight from the boot, people!!

Normally I'm willing to share recipes in a split second. On my grandmother's behalf and to walk in her footsteps, I think I'm going to keep this one in the family. Haha. Sorry!!!

I will tell you what is in it though: tiny little meatballs (that took three of us to roll by hand! And my dad is by far the best at it since his mother made him do it while growing up - he's the holiday soup expert!), chicken broth (my grandmother used to make giant jars of this stuff from scratch - I don't have the expertise or time to do that so I get it out of a box), homemade croutons, and escarole. That's it! And it's amazing!

The main dish for Christmas dinner was my mother's yummy lasagna. O-M-G, she makes a mean lasagna. So your next question probably is: Did she make her own sauce? The answer here on this occasion is no. On other occasions, she does make her own sauce and it's really good. But today she used Rao's sauce. If you are going to buy sauce, this is certainly the way to go. It's more expensive than other brands like Ragu and such but trust me, it's worth every extra penny. It's like $10 a jar. Like I said a little steep but you haven't taken the 5 hours to cook this sauce or expensed the money to make it taste this good. For those of you who don't know, Rao's is a restaurant in NYC where the tables are owned by people. Meaning its ultra exclusive and you can't just make a reservation to go there. You have to know someone. Once you taste the sauce, you'll understand why.

Okay so you're now probably wondering what in god's name this looks like. Well, lucky for you, I take pictures of all of my food! Haha. It's not normal, I know. But it makes me happy. With no further adieu here are some pics of making the meatballs and croutons and the final products.

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas meals as much as I enjoyed mine!

Much love, peace, and joy to you all during this holiday season! Salud!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


To be in love is one of the greatest feelings of all time. 

mi amore,

I'm in love and I'm smitten with you.  Let's just stay right here. 

tu amore

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.  

~Edward Everett Hale

Doing my best, one day at a time.  Even if that "best" is not always perfect.  Life = live, love, learn.  

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.”

~Anthony de Mello

Monday, August 22, 2011

The second I start feeling bad for myself, this is what appears...

So the minute I start to feel down and out about training and bitching commences, this is the email that magically hit my inbox.  

You, the Kids of St. Jude, are the reason why I continue to run every week and take every step, one after another.  Thank you, St. Jude, for giving me a reason to run and continuing to run. 

St. Jude Heroes run for a reason

"If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon."
– Women's marathon pioneer Kathrine Switzer

Dear St. Jude Hero,
When you complete a marathon, half marathon or 5K for the children of St. Jude, you cross the finish line for a higher cause: Raising money for the research and treatment of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Don't let your motivation run down.
Recharge your inspiration by watching this video about 7–year–old Anthony Lawrence, who bravely fights ependymoma with the help of St. Jude.

St. Jude patient Anthony Lawrence
(age 7, ependymoma)

My body hates me.

My whole body HURTS.  Every last little bit of it.  Marathon training is finally starting to take its toll on me physically, which is bleeding into my mental state.  I'm not becoming an angry, mean person, just tired.  Really freakin tired.  Ugh.  13 miles got done yesterday and it was almost the death of me.  2 hours 26 min.  In the heat and humidity of Philadelphia in the summer.  I do have to say though, running down Kelly Drive and by the Delaware River was quite nice for its scenary.  And the Philadelphia Art Museum is just Cool.  I wanted to run up the stairs like Rocky but didn't have time before the torrential downpours started.  Next time!  And there will be a next time now that I know how to get there, where to park, and where to run.  :)

Okay but really, I hurt. And I think I'm coming down with a sinus infection because my body hates me and so my immune system is just quitting.  Sleep.  I need more sleep.  I will work on that.  In the meantime, I'm popping some Aleve and Pseudofed, eating soup for lunch, and drinking lots of hot water with lemon.

Happy Monday!