Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."

~john campbell

Monday, May 30, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love and remembering those who served.

Somedays I feel like I am on my own Eat, Pray, Love journey...
Working on accepting myself and surrendering to God and fate.
Perhaps, a truth-seeking journey will be in the works.

Some trip ideas to ruminate on:
South Africa to volunteer.
Southern Italy for a culinary tour.
South Bali to fall in love with nature and myself.

All will fall into place as it should in this lifetime...

Additionally, remembering those who have served and those who have fallen to protect our freedoms on this amazing Memorial Day. Thank you to both of my grandpas.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A quote from BF

So I've decided that on my path to writing more and eventually a book, I WILL start blogging much more often - even if it is just a quote or a sentence. With no further ado, a quote from Bethenny Frankel (A Place of Yes, 2011), because I love her...

"Coming together is the opposite of codependency. When you seek to come together, what matters is your wholeness. When you become someone in your own right and are no longer dependent on the labels and opinions of others, you can get a grip on the kind of lasting contentment that carries you for a long time. Together, the two wholes become greater than the sum of their parts. You are complete, and so is your partner, and together, you become something even more amazing.

This can happen when you've got yourself figured out, because then you won't be grasping at others for something you are missing. You won't be missing anything. You aren't missing anything you don't already have inside yourself. Once you realize that, you can get down to the business of coming together."

Finally, starting to feel like I am complete all by myself. It's nice...
Off to a baseball game now!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Present Dichotomies

There are good days and there are bad days. Good moments and bad moments.  Good cups of coffee and bad ones.  Real Italian restaurants and fake, Americanized ones.  Good friends and not so good ones - ones that may even be toxic in your life or others who lift you up in your time of need.  The real question that I struggle with is how to decifer the good from the bad sometimes.  How to make sense of this life.  How to make the right decisions to lead me down the right path. 

Life is a series of choices that I have gotten you both spiritually and physically to this point.  And I sometimes question, did I make the right decisions in the past?  Is this where I'm supposed to be in life?  In DC, working for the government, living up the single life with all of the freedoms and choices that come along with it?  Is there a greater purpose for me being here? 

Well guess what, I surrender.  I surrender my longings for the past and the future and I'm placing everything in the hands of God and trusting that He will lead me along the right path.  I'm going to stop (or at least try my hardest) wrestling and pushing a future that does not exist yet.  I'm going to stop analyzing and re-analyzing past choices and actions, for they have already happened - hence I cannot change them.  All I can control is who I am and what I do right here, right now.  Life's hardest struggle is to learn how to be content - I mean truly, deep down happy - with who you are in the present and not worry about the past or the future.  I'm cutting ties, or at least starting to unravel the mess of strings tied to my past and stop trying to imagine what my patchwork quilt of life looks like before it is complete, and rather, enjoy choosing the patches and sewing them together day by day. 

My quilt of life will be beautiful when it is done - that I can guarentee.