Sunday, July 24, 2011

One year in DC.

As of July 19th, it has been one full year since I began my career with the federal government and a year and 2 days since I moved to the DC area.  I've spent a few days reflecting on this past year.  It's been quite the year with many changes, tests of character, and life lessons.  I managed to come out of it in one piece and with more confidence in myself and my resiliency.  One of the things that I have also learned is that I am searching for a life partner with that same level of resiliency and character, a man's man who can face life's challenges with strength and class. 

What else I have learned is that I have surrounded myself with amazing and supportive friends and family.  I've also found some toxic people in my life and the funny thing is is that as I become happier and more secure with myself, they keep falling out my life and surprisingly, old friends have resurfaced.  I truly welcome the sincerity and comfort in these relationships.  What the next year will hold, I'm not sure.  But I am sure, that no matter what I predict or think is going to happen, life will toss me a curveball - the next stepping stone on my path of life disguised as an obstacle or hardship.  When that happens, I know I will be able to take a deep breath, put one foot in front of the other, and move forward with strength, confidence, and determination to do the right thing. 

Happy Sunday everyone!  Hope you are doing something to renew your energy both physically and emotionally on this day of rest. 


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