Monday, January 31, 2011

there's a whole world out there.

The fog that had clouded my vision is slowly but surely being lifted.  I'm starting to see again that there is the whole,. big, beautiful world out there to be discovered and seen!  There are languages to learn, cultures to explore, cities and countrysides to be photographed and conquered by my little self. 


My 30th birthday is quickly approaching.  I discovered this weekend that when people ask my age, I tell them I'm "almost 30".  Not 29.  Almost 30.  Like "almost 30" is an actual age.  Like you go from being 28 to almost 30 to 30.  On the contrary, I'm 29 and so I'm going to embrace it for the next several months.  On that note, I'm also going to plan a 30th birthday trip/celebration/extravaganza.  Is it too much to dream of an African vacation?  (You know, kind of like Wills and Kate - minus the royal prince as my companion.)  Well, I'm going to keep on dreaming... because it's fun, happy, whimsical, and I can.  So there.  

On this same note, I've also worked out hard 3 days in a row and I'm drinking smart water.  So while I'm dreaming of my African holiday, I'm also toying with the idea of my Jennifer Aniston body.  So salute to Day 4 of my re-dedication to eating right and working out hard!  

Lastly, thinking outside of myself and of these many, many diverse people in many different corners of the earth with far fewer resources than myself... please check out this website for handmade African jewelry.  It's beautiful!!  And perfect to pair with a spring/summer dress!  (I saw this on another blog and thought it was lovely to share.) I'm likely going to purchase one if anyone wants to order together.

Enjoy! Happy Monday!  xoxo

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

being myself

So I went on a date last night.  
I hate dating.  Pretty much despise it. 

But, I decided to take a new approach last night.  I didn't wear eyeliner - mainly because I couldn't find it in my makeup case.  (Lord, knows where that damn thing went - and I had two of them at one point!)  I didn't workout like crazy for days before and starve myself in hopes of feeling skinny.  I even ate a full dinner along with chocolate before I met this guy for a drink.  I didn't stress out about showing up on time - instead, I was late like my usual self always is.  I didn't curse like a sailor, but I also didn't watch every word and every phrase that came out of my mouth.  I told embarrassing, self-deprecating stories about myself.  I acted a little dumb and talked a little bit like a valley girl - because that's what I do sometimes.  And he ate it up... all of it.  So that's my new plan from now on for dates - no more tons of eyeliner, 4-inch heels, and outfits that are tight, uncomfortable, and make me feel like I need to sit a certain way or else things will show that I don't want to show.  

I'm not perfect and I don't expect others to be perfect.  In fact, it makes me uncomfortable. Because instead they just end up looking and sounding fake.  I don't trust people that don't speak their mind (double negative, I know, but this is my blog, so I do what I want! ha.).  They freak me out.  2011 game plan = be myself. always, whether anyone likes it or not.  I don't have enough time or energy to waste trying to be something else for someone. Perhaps, this was the mistake I've been making all along...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 Non-Resolution Resolutions

So this is it.  This is the year that I am going to have the body of Jennifer Aniston - flat tummy with no jiggle, lean, slender arms with visible deltoids even when not flexing (think Michele Obama), and toned legs.  I'll be able to hold a crow pose and a headstand without using the wall as training wheels in yoga class.  I'll run the Marine Corps Marathon faster than Oprah did.  And, I'll start enjoying exercise.

I'm also turning 30.  3-0.  The front number change, I haven't quite been able to accept it.  In fact, I've already spent the better part of my 29th year trying to prepare myself for the 30th.  30 just sounds old to me.  I'm sure when I'm turning 40, I'll be saying the same thing wishing I was actually turning 30 again.  In the meantime, I will use the mantra - 30 is the new 20.  

In 2011, I will date many amazing, wonderful men with impeccable manners, soaring professional careers, with stories of worldly travels, and desires to make me happy regardless of what they need to do to accomplish it.  I will find one - just one, that's all you need - who will be mi media naranja, who makes me happier than a clam and a makes me want to be a better person.  

Professionally, I will excel at being a federal employee - accomplishing enough to make me a shining star - but not too much, so as not to annoy my fellow co-workers or stress me out.  I don't get paid enough to get stressed out (and Obama cemented that by signing a bill to freeze COLA (cost of living adjustments - yes, we use a bazillion acronyms in the government) for all federal employees.  I do still have a guaranteed raise after one year of service in the government.  That will be coming in July.  Whoo hoo!  

Personally, I will be the best sister, daughter, and friend that I can be.  But most importantly, I will take care of myself. Because if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else. Exercise, eating right (organically, from Whole Foods), and taking time to do things that I like to do - reading, writing, photography, and cooking.

2011 is going to be my year.  

Of course, I believed that about 2010 and we all know how that panned out.  With that said, there will be no resolutions this year - just small steps each day towards accomplishing these goals.  I will try hard to not get angry with myself when I don't follow my own advice.  Instead, I will get a good night of sleep and promise myself that everything looks better in the morning and tomorrow is a new day. 

Lastly, I vow to explore this new city of mine and learn and discover as much as I possibly can.  I am living in a real-life museum with history emanating from every nook and cranny.  I will take advantage of this.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

I saw this on the back of someone's shirt yesterday at the Census gym.  
The Marines got it right!  
Pain can consist of physical pain or emotional pain.  
You must allow yourself to feel that pain to grow stronger.  
You can't ignore it, you have to just push through it

And off we go...

The past several years of my life have been crazy.  
There have been ups and downs, highs and lows, good times and not-so-good ones.  

I've learned a lot 
about life, about people, and most importantly about myself.  

My intention with this blog is to just start writing.  
 What I write on here may be true or not-so-true, about someone I know or don't, or perhaps, about myself.  
 I will never tell!  

But I promise it to be at least somewhat entertaining for your workday.  

Here we go...