Monday, January 31, 2011

there's a whole world out there.

The fog that had clouded my vision is slowly but surely being lifted.  I'm starting to see again that there is the whole,. big, beautiful world out there to be discovered and seen!  There are languages to learn, cultures to explore, cities and countrysides to be photographed and conquered by my little self. 


My 30th birthday is quickly approaching.  I discovered this weekend that when people ask my age, I tell them I'm "almost 30".  Not 29.  Almost 30.  Like "almost 30" is an actual age.  Like you go from being 28 to almost 30 to 30.  On the contrary, I'm 29 and so I'm going to embrace it for the next several months.  On that note, I'm also going to plan a 30th birthday trip/celebration/extravaganza.  Is it too much to dream of an African vacation?  (You know, kind of like Wills and Kate - minus the royal prince as my companion.)  Well, I'm going to keep on dreaming... because it's fun, happy, whimsical, and I can.  So there.  

On this same note, I've also worked out hard 3 days in a row and I'm drinking smart water.  So while I'm dreaming of my African holiday, I'm also toying with the idea of my Jennifer Aniston body.  So salute to Day 4 of my re-dedication to eating right and working out hard!  

Lastly, thinking outside of myself and of these many, many diverse people in many different corners of the earth with far fewer resources than myself... please check out this website for handmade African jewelry.  It's beautiful!!  And perfect to pair with a spring/summer dress!  (I saw this on another blog and thought it was lovely to share.) I'm likely going to purchase one if anyone wants to order together.

Enjoy! Happy Monday!  xoxo

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