Monday, August 15, 2011

Think, Pray. Appreciate.

You have no idea how happy and content I am becoming with my life.  It's crazy how things just start to fall into place.  I am in the best shape of my life, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually - and I only see this improving.  Amazing. 

Thoughts of vulnerability have also been swirling in my brain.  It's hard to be vulnerable and let others into your life to help.  A friend has recently come back into my life.  We were close at one point - very close.  It took me so long to break his outer shell and for him to let me in.  The minute he felt just the least bit too vulnerable he pulled back, put up a wall, and became dodgy.  For me, it's difficult to be his friend.  With him for some reason, it's hard for me to just take him on the surface.  I can see the hurt and pain of his past through his eyes.  And I wanted for so long to be that person he could trust and believe in... and he did until he became too vulnerable.  I wish our hearts and inner voices could be wiped clean, where the jadedness of past lives, past memories, and past loves and losses could be fixed with some pine sol and old fashioned elbow grease. Until I figure that out, I'm going to be there for him - without harshness or judgment - and hope that he can find his inner peace.   

I also saw the movie The Help yesterday.  What an inspiring, well-written and produced story.  Possibly one of the best movies I will see in my lifetime.  An overarching theme seemed to drive the storyline, a dichotomy, if you will.  I found that movie to show there are two types of people on this earth - those who are willing to sacrifice, help others, open up their hearts, and be vulnerable, and those who take others for granted like they are disposable.  I don't understand is how someone can treat others so harshly with such disrepect with little or no remorse.  We are all humans on this earth and we need to help each other - not tear each other down. This dichotomy seems to be the root cause of so many problems in this world from divorces to wars.

So what do we do to fix it?  My approach is one little bit at a time.  And no, I'm certainly not the tree-hugging, pot-smoking hippie who wants everyone to love each other.  I just think there needs to be more compassion and honesty of feelings in this world.  Help the blind man on the metro who needs to get to the elevator, instead of blatantly ignoring him.  Be a listening, patient, and encouraging ear for your friend, regardless of whether or not you completely agree with them.  Drop everything if you have a family member or friend in need.  That day at work is certainly less important than the support they need to lean on, or magically clean their house and/or make dinner while they tend to others.  Be vulnerable.  Be happy.  Be free and open.  Don't let the small digs get you down.  Go about your life living each day with intent to live in the present.  Do what you love.  Set goals, train/practice, and attain them.  Appreciate the love and support others give to you.  Life is certainly going to throw punches at you.  And you're going to take some hits, that's for sure.  The question is: How well can you bounce back from them?  How well can you do what's right while getting hit?  With each one, come back stronger.  Come back harder.  But don't lose your vulnerability.  Put yourself out there for the next hit, knowing you can take it. 

Love life.  Love others.  Love God.  Think. Pray. Appreciate.   

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